Home / Keemun Mao Feng
  • Keemun Mao Feng
  • Keemun Mao Feng
  • Keemun Mao Feng
  • Keemun Mao Feng
  • Keemun Mao Feng
  • Keemun Mao Feng

Keemun Mao Feng

  • Detail

    Keemun Mao Feng means Qimen Fur Peak in Chinese, the peak of the Karst mountains and the dark furry appearance of the dried tea leaves.

    Mao Feng is one of the most appreciated teas in the world, a staple breakfast tea in mainland China, and Keemun is regarded as the most premium. This sublime fine example of a Keemun is packed with goodness, and quite often, it's referred to as the "Bordeaux or Burgundy of Tea" by the Chinese tea community.


    It is even rumoured to be a favourite of Queen Elizabeth II. An imperial tea-drinking experience.


    Tasting Details

    Flavour: Full-bodied, long-lasting fruity sweetness, with a delicate nutty aftertaste
    Aroma: A complex meld of fruity floral, subtle spice and sweet woody aroma
    Infusion Colour: A rich, amber to brown



    Caffeine Level: Medium around 60mg per cup
    Antioxidant Level:High levels
    Production process: Picked as Two leaves and a bud. Withered and oxidised slower than most black teas, yielding a more nuanced aroma and flavours
    Grade: Hao Ya A premium grade
    Leaf Appearance:Thin, twisted, black with a brown spine
    Origin:1875 from Qimen?District, Southern Anhui Province, China.
    Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight. Re-seal packaging between use.


    How to Brew

    • Use one teaspoon of leaves (roughly 3g) for each person you are brewing tea for.
    • Boil your water, let it cool for 30 seconds; 95-100 degrees is perfect
    • Steep for 2-3 minutes according to taste.
    • Reuse the leaves a further three times, by simply adding more hot water.