Tie Guan Yin, the Iron Goddess of Mercy, also known as the Iron Buddha oolong, originated in 19th century in Anxi, Fujian province, China. This mellow and refreshing tea imparts an emerald clear infusion with a beautiful sweet lingering aftertaste.
Tasting Details
Flavour: Mellow and buttery, a sweet aftertasteAroma:Freshly roasted nut scents with floral notesInfusion Colour: A slightly emerald greenSpecificaion
Caffeine Level: LowProduction process: Traditional process, naturally withered and sun-dried, hand-sortedLeaf Appearance: Dark green lightly rolled pelletsOrigin: From a tea cultivar of Camillia Sinensis plant that focuses only on growing the whole leaves for Tie Guan Yin, instead of tips or buds. The tea is also called Anxi Tieguanyin Tea. Originated from Anxi, Fujian Province, China.Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight. Re-seal packaging between use.How to Brew
- Use 1 teaspoon of leaves (roughly 3g) for each person you are brewing tea for.
- Cool your water a little, 85-90 degrees is perfect.
- Steep for 3-5 minutes according to taste.
- Reuse the leaves a further 3 times, by simply adding more hot water.