Home / Tea / Jasmine Yin Hao Lotus
  • Jasmine Yin Hao Lotus
  • Jasmine Yin Hao Lotus
  • Jasmine Yin Hao Lotus
  • Jasmine Yin Hao Lotus
  • Jasmine Yin Hao Lotus

Jasmine Yin Hao Lotus

  • Detail

    Renowned for its luxurious appearance and heavenly aromatic flavours, also known as Mo Li Silver Lantern, this Jasmine Yin Hao Lotus is a supreme naturally fragrant green tea with stunning jasmine blossoms, a truly sublime Jasmine tea from Fujian Province of China that has been enjoyed all over the world for decades.

    The unique blend of jasmine and Camellia Sinensis leaves beautifully compliment each other. This clean and vibrant green nectar is enchanting from start to finish. Every slurp invites an alluring aroma of jasmine as well as the green tea goodness impact. Refreshing and soothing for every day and night drinking.


    Tasting Details

    Flavour: A refreshing mouthfeel, a well-balanced flowery taste and vegetal undertone
    Aroma: A light jasmine floral aroma and a slight scent of fresh cut meadow
    Infusion Colour: A clean illuminating light green



    Caffeine Level: Low
    Antioxidant Level: High
    Production process: Traditional process naturally withered, pan fired, hand sorted
    Leaf Appearance: Large green leaves with small amount of yellow jasmine flowers
    Origin:Fujian Province, China. Chinese historians theorise that jasmine tea came into existence during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE)
    Storage: Store in cool, dry place, away from sunlight. Re-seal packaging between use


    How to Brew

    • Use 1 teaspoon of leaves (roughly 3g) for each person you are brewing tea for.
    • Boil your water and let it cool, it should be around 85 - 90 degrees (100 degree water will scorch the tea)
    • Steep for 2-3 minutes according to taste.
    • Reuse the leaves a further 3 times, by simply adding more hot water.